In order to get the most out of your Band Camp experience, it’s important to be prepared. Listed here are some ways to make sure that you stay in tip-top shape during Band Camp.
-Drink 16 ounces of water BEFORE you come to rehearsal in the morning.
-Each evening, after rehearsals, drink 16 to 32 ounces of water.
-It is essential that you stay hydrated. It’s hot on the pavement, sometimes REALLY hot. We are outside, it is summer and this is Kentucky! AVOID CAFFEINE (save the Red Bull for Band trips) or carbonated beverages with caffeine. Also stay away from sugar-loaded drinks (i.e., Kool-Aid or juice). They will dehydrate you. Water is best; Gatorade or other sports drinks are okay. BUT, drink them in addition to water!
Nutrition: Everyone MUST eat breakfast, lunch and dinner every day.
Please eat a healthy meal before you come every day. Contrary to what you may think, food on your stomach will not sit like a lump while you are marching. Your body needs fuel to perform at the level necessary for Band Camp. Avoid all caffeine, greasy foods, carbonated drinks with caffeine, excessive candy or sweets, and dairy foods. During camp you are “on your own” for lunch. You may bring a sack lunch or make arrangements with any available food truck options. Students MAY NOT leave campus during the lunch break.
Summer Conditions:
-Wear sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher. Bring your sunscreen with you to re-apply during breaks.
-Wear a hat: baseball cap preferred. Bring ½ gallon thermos of water. Bring a towel.
-Wear light colored clothing.
-Always wear socks and tennis shoes (no sandals or flip-flops).
-Expect high temperatures and humidity! Many hours are spent on the asphalt!
Student Pick-up/Drop-off/Parking:
The safety of our students is of the utmost importance! Strict rules have been established by the administration at LHS. All students are to park in the student parking accessed from Springhill Drive, NOT on the band practice field. Parking is always a problem at Lafayette, and school administrators ask that all students, whether attending Band, soccer or football camp, use the student parking lot. Parents are asked to use the student parking lot for dropping off and picking up students before and after rehearsal. Please, never park your car in the driveway to the Band practice field or drive on the practice field at the close of rehearsals. Even after the Band is dismissed, students may be extending their rehearsals with sectionals or other meetings.
ALWAYS, use a slow, safe speed in these congested areas.
And, finally
Rehearsals are closed to non-Band students. No visitors during band camp.
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